An épique beginning

For beginners and those who’ve had a break from training and need a new beginning.


An Épique BOOTCAMP with iO Studio AND Kaiserin
Inför sommaren har @_epique__ , @iostudios_ & gått samman för att presentera en unik bootcamp med fokus på välmående.

13 maj - 14 juni (5 veckor)
Måndag, onsdag och fredag kl 08.00-08.50
Pris 5600kr

Vad som ingår:
15 träningspass
5 bastu a 30 min
1 torrborstning session
Badkläder från Kaiserin

Coaches: Fannie och Itza

Strength and cardio camp

The boot camp consists of three classes a week where we emphasize strength training with focus on the basic exercises such as Squats, Benchpress, Deadlifts, presses and chin-ups. There will also be elements of cardio during some of the sessions. 10 spots open for beginners and those who’ve had a break and need a new beginning.

06:10 - 06:55 every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Price: 4000kr (5 weeks, Only training)

Start: 13 May - 14 Juni

For more information and registrations:

Coaches: Tilda and Fannie

CAMPS 2024

19 August - 11 October

14 October - 6 December